Prestonwood Forest 'runs and funs' on resident-volunteer energy! All residents are invited to get involved - it is a great way to meet your Prestonwood neighbors and make new friends. Resident energy and enthusiasm continue to make Prestonwood a great place to live.
Many of your friends and neighbors volunteer or participate on one or more of the following:
Prestonwood Forest Maintenance Board
The Board of Directors of the Association consists of 9 resident members, 3 of whom are elected each year for a 3-year term. Among the Board’s many duties are: Operational Responsibilities for Prestonwood’s facilities (both Swimming pools, Tennis courts and the Clubhouse); Neighborhood Services (Waste collection, the common area Landscaping, Constable Patrol, Mosquito fogging, Architectural changes and Deed restrictions); Official Communications (Website, e-Newsletter and Marquees); and Providing oversight, structure, and coordination for the 4 official Prestonwood Events.
Official Prestonwood Forest Events
Homeowner committees are an essential part of planning and implementing these annual events. Participation is open to all of our residents! The Homeowner’s Committees for the four (4) official Prestonwood Forest events are:
o Easter Egg Hunt Committee
o 4th of July Parade Committee
o Fall Festival Committee
o Nite of Lites Committee
Prestonwood Forest Block Captains
By far, this is the largest volunteer organization with upwards of 60 resident volunteers. The block captains perform many functions which include coordinating activities on your block, serving as a neighborhood resource for new residents, delivering the monthly Prestonwood Press to your doorstep, placing the many small curbside flags for the 4th of July, delivering the annual Prestonwood Directory, and more…
Prestonwood Forest Flyers Swim Team
For more than 40 years, Prestonwood Forest children have enjoyed the comradery and healthy exercise of friendly team competition because of the commitment and generous time-contribution of the many adult volunteers.
Prestonwood Forest Social Club
This Prestonwood Forest resident’s organization for those ‘over 50’ - enjoys organized social outings around the Houston area and in surrounding communities - and informal luncheons to meet and plan group events.
Prestonwood Women’s Bridge Club
Prestonwood Women's Bridge Club meets on the 1st Monday of the month and invites anyone who is interested to join – they love welcoming new faces!
Prestonwood Forest Tennis League
League play is open to residents at all levels of in-experience for friendly and fun competition with our surrounding neighborhoods. Opportunities exist for revitalizing the once-popular Women and Youth Leagues! Tennis league play is a great way to meet new friends, get out of the house for healthy exercise and improve your tennis skills!
If you need information, please forward inquiries to the Director responsible for “Community Events” through this website's 'Contact Us' feature.
To send updates about these organizations or new Prestonwood Forest organizations, please contact:
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